Full-stack development and consulting for monitoring and data visualization
Our team has a solid background in computer science and worked with very diverse teams: from startups to enterprises.
Our team has a solid background in computer science and worked with very diverse teams: from startups to enterprises.
Open source is a big thing for us: it's a way to build a transparent business and other relationships with partners and the community. We provide solutions and professional services based on our products hastic.io and chartwerk.io — one for real-time time series analysis and a library for data visualization with a focus on complex dashboards and monitoring.
Help organizations better understand their data and make informed decisions.
We work in the areas of infographics, business intelligence, reporting, dashboard development, and low-level graphics rendering. We see this as code which should serve engineering, business and researching goals.
We see analytics as a logical continuation of working with data for visualization.
Simple models, statistics, algorithms which we deploy as backend and scripts. Second part of what we do is efficient low level real time services for time series data.
Hackers and problem solvers with an academic background, with agile approach.
Our focus — visualization software and stream processing analysis, from low level microservices to front-end.
We build complex information systems for analysis, processing, storing and visualizing metrics. Integrate and tailor it for your infrastructure.
Scripts tools for retrieving data from your sourcess like hardware, network or anything else.
Algorithms and pipelines for data processing.
Choose and deploy storage for your metrics and logs based on requirements.
Building dashboards for your business and engineering needs. Custom visualizations possible. Custom plugins and dashboards for Grafana, New Relic and other.